"Modern Shortwave receiver Survey" , Universal's quick & handy reviews on many popular shortwave receivers. You can also buy your radio & HAM-gear from Universal (they ship worldwide).
A very nice Radio Portal with lots of in-depth reviews ,departments , links to other sites , and much more.
Get the full Grundig Company History ,along with pictures and descriptions of many "milestone" products (The Grundig Satellit is off course featured here...)
Ian Waugh (U.K.) collects Grundig radios and radio-cassette portables. For many of his radios (including Grundig Satellit models) he writes in-depth reviews , all available on his site !
Ian has also collected many "Tips and Hints" (many undocumented) for some Grundig Satellit radios. Check it out !
Check out Sergey Shurkov's Russian homepage dedicated to Grundig Satellit radios. Nice pictures and layout!
Visit Joe's Radio Web for a quick report on the Satellit 700 . Also info on many other shortwave radios.
A book by Hans-Erwin Roeder (PS: German language only)
How would you like a 200(+) page book with highly detailed info & specs on all the original Grundig Satellit's ? This classic reference is the most in-depth book on the Grundig Satellit range of radios to date.
PS: This book is now out of print/sold out. Search Ebay or "used books" stores for your own copy.
Dieter König's "First Austria Radio Homepage" Dieter has many interesting radios in his collection. First and foremost "Transistor Radios" from the 50's and 60's.
Rich Wells' radio monitoring resource! The most complete scanning site on internet ,always with lots of news on hardware. Also has Shortwave & DX info , check out on modern digital receiving gear ,etc..
Tips for improving receiver performance , together with KIWA's product line.
Extensive searchable RADIO/ DX/ SHORTWAVE database maintained by Willy Passmann of Germany.
Gerd Clasen's extensive WEB & History of German Shortwave Radios. Check out his collection!
Many shortwave listening devices that you can make yourselves (D.I.Y. projects)
Asger Hunov started collecting radios in 2001, look at his nice collection !
Hundreds of reviews on most popular General Coverage receivers , including many Grundig Satellit's !
Links to some DX-webs :
http://www.angelfire.com/wi/dxing/ Wisconsin radio / DX Info
http://www.dxer.org K5IT's Info & resource pages (Texas /USA)
http://www.ac6v.com/ AC6V,Rod Dinkins. 700 topics /6000 links!
http://www.qsl.net/w3df/ W3DF,Dan Flanagan (Maryland /USA)